"Seeking The Prophets"
There are no prophets, just men who claim to be. In this song, we are searching for "prophets" to have a discussion with and to poke holes in their claims of guidance from deities. Also mentioned is the suggestion that we should not wait for something horrific to happen to someone close to appreciate them.
"Reflection, An Endless Endeavor"
With this piece we are exploring faith and how willing we are to accept it for the sake of acceptance. Religion is man made and so is the concept of good and evil. The hypocrisy of religious wars and betrayal is also touched upon.
"As Long As I Have Myself I Am Not Alone"
If you can't trust yourself then can you truly trust someone else? If you don't know who you are can you attempt to know another? Become one with who you are and accept it and you'll never need to rely on others.
"The Culling"
This one is about getting rid of those who bring you down and ridding yourself of destructive habits. Distancing yourself from negativity and those that are negative. The abolishment of those who are non-supportive.
"Introspection And The Loss Of Denial"
Here we attempt to identify the negativity and to find balance in life through acceptance of our shortcomings. Destruction of the ego and embracing humility.
"Conferring With Demons"
These are not physical demons, but ones of an inner nature. Find the deepest core of yourself so you can flourish and not be your own worse enemy.
"A Cry To The Perilous Sun"
The sun has been worshiped since there has been man. Here we are crying out to the sun, a metaphor for our creator(whatever that may be), for answers as to why we are here and how it has the answers, but refuses to give us an explanation of life and purpose.
"As If A Rose I Wither"
The exploration of dying and the deterioration of the mind. Looking into a mirror and not recognizing yourself. How no matter what you accomplish the only guarantee we have is death.
"Dismantling An Empire"
This is the only track that deals with a topic not of an interior nature. The overthrow of a dictator. The praise of those who have died to preserve our freedoms. The ability to look past yourself.
ORDER OF ENNEAD's self-titled debut album is being recorded at Audio Hammer Studios in Sanford, Florida with the help of MARK LEWIS, and is due to be released by EARACHE RECORDS in October, followed by widespread touring.
Check out a video of ORDER OF ENNEAD guitarist JOHN LI tracking solos for the album here:
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Tags: Florida, ORDER OF ENNEAD, Earache Records
jason July 03, 2008
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