Marionette To Play Metal Town, Replacing Dead By April

"We are quite excited to have the opportunity to play tomorrow at Metal Town. We hope that everyone who is ready to rock out will join us at 17:20
(5:20pm) at the Close-Up Stage for plenty of moshing and headbanging. We have tons of other plans for the summer and fall including some festivals in Sweden and lots of touring! We cannot reveal our plans at the moment, but when the time comes we will spread the news like wildfire! Until then, stay tuned and make sure to check out Spite. We've been featured in magazines across Europe including Metal Hammer, Kerrang!, Rock Sound, Rock One, Rock Tribute, and we look forward to hearing what everyone in Europe thinks of us this fall! See you in the moshpit!"
"Spite", the debut album from Marionette was released in April through France's Listenable Records in Europe. A North America release date will be announced soon. Spite recently received 4/5 from Göteborgs Posten, one of Sweden's largest newspapers and 8/10 from Sweden Rock, the countries biggest hard rock and metal magazine.
"Spite" was recorded with a team of up-and-coming and established producers in the Swedish scene, including Simon Exner (ETHEREAL) and two-time Swedish Grammy award winner Åke Parmerud in Gothenburg and Borås, Sweden. Spite was mixed and mastered by Christian Silver at Studio Mega (SONIC SYNDICATE, BY NIGHT, THE CROWN) in Varberg, Sweden. Six of the twelve songs from Spite are available on Marionette's Myspace ( and iLike pages ( The music video for the song "Burn Me", can be viewed at the link below, from Marionette's Youtube Channel (
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Tags: Gothenburg, Sweden, Marionette, Dead by April
admin June 27, 2008
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