Tangaroa posts new songs

The congregation of extreme bands formed each year, all hoping to catch the attention of the discerning metalhead, are more often than not ignored in a sea of cliche riffs and tired arrangements. But every now and again, a band stands out amongst the masses. One that turns heads and garners nods of approval.
That band is Tangaroa.
Formed in 1998 in the north of England, they tore their way through several EP releases and it is the time for them to unleash their bastardized form of prog-grind-jazz-metal in the guise of a full length release; One hand for the knife, One hand for the throat.
Coming to you on 09/09/08 'One Hand For The Knife, One Hand For The Throat' takes everything done before, puts it in the barrel of a gun, and blows your face off! The track 'D'ya Hear That Wolf' is now available here
with the only description being.. indescribable! One has to listen to this aural madness to at least attempt to define it, let alone understand it. With virtuosity well on display throughout Tangaroa truly match their 'progressive' tag, rather than some to who a few flashy guitar runs is enough.
Tangaroas previous 'creations' have been well received with Kerrang awarding 'Day' a 4/5 review describing the release as a 'Warped musical head-fuck' and 'Unlike anything you've heard before' and this tradition is brought forward to 'One Hand For The Knife, One Hand For The Throat. '
Tangaroa's myspace page contains the aforementioned new track, as well as artwork preview for 'One Hand For The Knife, One Hand For The Throat'.
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Tags: Tangaroa, extreme metal
jason June 24, 2008
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