heavy metal

Totally Pathetic Music Video of the Week

In a new weekly feature on The Gauntlet, we will be bringing you some of the worst metal videos ever made. Be sure to check back every Wednesday for metal videos that are so bad that they are good.

Our first video is Cherry Orchard by the legendary band Celtic Frost. In the early 80's, Celtic Frost rose from the ashes of the notorious black metal band Hellhammer. The band went on to release some of the most influential music to date; except for 1 misstep. In 1988, Celtic Frost released what would become the bands best selling album in the US, "Cold Lake." The album was similar to a lot of other albums of that era, and there lies the problem. The late 80's metal scene was made up largely of glam metal bands in the US. While nothing is wrong with glam metal, bands like Celtic Frost were founded on originality. The bands frontman, Tom "Warrior" Fischer, has apologized for this atrocity many times, yet it still leaves a sour taste in most metal fans mouth. Without further ado, I give you "Cherry Orchard" off Cold Lake.

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Tags:  celtic frostpathetic videotom fischercold lakeglam metal

    June 04, 2008

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