Evergreen Terrace comments on van accident

"The Quebec City show was rad, as always. That is one of my favorite cities to play in Canada. After the show we went out to eat and left the restaurant around 2:30am. It was Caleb's (merch guy and my little brother) 21st birthday. At about 5:30am Caleb was driving and fell asleep at the wheel. We crashed into a wall on the side of a bridge going about 75 mph. The trailer was fishtailing all over the highway and could not keep control of the van. We are lucky we didn't flip. I honestly don't know how or why we didn't flip. We are lucky to be alive right now. It is pretty scary when I think back about it. Caleb said that Drew turned into an angel and just started rubbing Caleb's back telling him that it will be ok, haha. There was minor damage to the van and trailer including 3 flat tires, and 2 trashed rims. Caleb knows how to party. Misery Signals was about 50 miles behind us so they were bringing us their spare tire while we changed out the other 2. In the process of changing the tires some cops rolled up and told us that it was against the law to change our tires on the side of the highway. They commanded us to get in the vehicle and wait for a tow truck. Total bullshit. We would have had all 3 of the tires changed in less than 30 minutes but the cops were complete assholes about it. After the tow truck arrived we were given 2 options; option 1: pay the tow truck driver $250 to drive us 1 mile up the highway and drop the van on the side of the road at the next exit or option 2: have the van and trailer impounded. We can never go to Canada without have some sort of problem with the authorities. After arguing with the cops and tow truck driver we were forced to go with option 1. Misery Signals were waiting at the next exit, their tour manager/sound guy, Adam, helped us with the tires and we were on our way in less than 15 minutes. By this time we were stoked that we were alive and able to continue the tour so naturally we blasted Bro Hymn by Pennywise and circle pitted around the van. That circle pit sums up our visit to Canada."
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Tags: Evergreen Terrace, Misery Signals, circle pit, Pennywise, accident
admin May 24, 2008
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