Battlelore guitarist issues update

"The time is 23:15 and I just arrived to the studio and decided to share a few words for the studio diary. Tomi and Kaisa are coming here tomorrow morning when we'll continue with the vocal recordings. Tomi has already recorded almost all of his clean and guttural parts, just a few verses left for tomorrow and he is done. Kaisa has also sang over half of her parts and if everything goes as planned, she will finish her job in Tuesday evening. After that we'll do a few small shapings for some of the songs. Nothing big, just some tiny re-arrangements to fit all the pieces together before we'll send the files to Sweden where Mr.Swanö will do the mixing. Can't wait to hear the final result! Few more weeks and the album should be ready..."
- Jyri
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Tags: Jyri Vahvanen, Battlelore, studio diary
admin April 28, 2008
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